Transfer Window Opens Tomorrow (January 5th @ 2000 UTC)

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  • #2852

      Transfer Window opens tomorrow, January 5th, at noon (pacific time) which is 8 pm (20:00) UTC. Make sure your rosters are up to date, your money is folded tightly in your wallet, and that your bid posts follow the correct format. If you have any questions, please reach out to Zizou or me.

      Good luck!




            ‘Twas the night before the transfer window opened and all through the liga
            not a creature was stirring, especially Mark who we haven’t heard from in months.
            The players released were hung out to dry with absolutely no care whatsoever,
            with no hope of ever playing big time fantasy football again in their lives.

            The owner/managers were nestled all snug in their beds
            while visions of the next Messi danced in their heads.
            And Zizou in his ‘kerchief and Santiger Dave in his cap,
            had just settled their brains for the clusterfuck that is the first minute of bidding when the window opens.

            When out in the transfer lists arose such a clatter,
            James rose from his bed wondering why nobody wanted his worthless players.
            Away to the Complete roster thread we all flew like a flash,
            to make sure the pre-pubescent inside forward we wanted wasn’t already in the liga.

            The moon on the breast of new fallen fallen player values
            Gave the lustre of mid-day epithets directed at the fuckers who made us drop shite players.
            When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
            Some obscure French teenager that Evilo bid on because none of us have heard of the little bastard.

            With a little old Xavi4Life, so lively and quick,
            bid on another South American kid that he’s gonna release after next season.
            More rapid than eagles, Zizou swooped in and fixed bids made by four managers for the same player.
            And he whistled, and shouted, and called them … well nasty things that I can’t repeat here.

            Now, Curtinho! now, Mark! now, Santiger Dave and Luigi!
            Why can’t you guys be bothered to send in line-ups?!
            To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
            Is that where you are because you’re not bidding on any players?

            As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
            We are all still wondering what the fuck happened to Mark.
            So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
            With the sleigh full of over-rated English teenagers who play for the u-17’s.

            And then, in a twinkling, Zizou heard on the roof
            because he’s baked as fuck.
            As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
            I noticed it was 1145am pacific time and I forgot that the transfer window was opening today.

            He was dressed all in fur, because he’s still baked as fuck.
            And his clothes were all tarnished with bong water.
            A bundle of players he had released yesterday
            And he looked like a pedler who was gonna fleece you for your best young players.

            that’s as far as I got. it’s a long fucking poem.


              Brilliant, james! Well done! lol




                  In case you need a refresher on how to place a bid:

                  1) Start with your Premier Club and use a “/” if you are bidding for a player for your Championship or U21 team.

                  2) List the current roster size of the said team by listing your goalies first, and then outfield players next, separated by another “/”.

                  3) Then state what amount of money you are willing to bid. (Minimum of 500k, and in 500k increments)

                  4) After that, state the player’s full name and his current team. Feel free to write “on loan at” to make things more clear. FOR BRAZILIANS: Please write the player’s full name, which can be found on

                  5) Hold your breathe for 24 hours and wait and see if anyone counterbids you. All counterbids should be at least DOUBLE of what the previous bid was.

                  Here are 3 examples:

                  Valencia/Vasco Da Gama (2/25) bid 500k on Matheus Danilo de Souza Alves on loan at Avai FC.

                  Napoli/Southampton (3/28) bid 1.5mil on Steady Eddy of MK Dons.

                  Inter Milan (3/27) bid 1 mil on Brett Mintz of Wolfsburg.

                  Any questions?

                  • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Xavi4lifeXavi4life.

                    Not necessarily double Xavi, no?


                      Xavi must have said double minimally. If someone bids 5m on a player you can counter bid with 11m.


                        This served as a reminder, in a way, that I hadn’t posted the Liga rules to this site yet. I still have them so I’ve done so.

                        None of us are new. Even Kawai has had a few transfer windows under his belt now.

                        Yes, to confirm Xavi meant the counter can be double or more but it has to at least be double.

                        I know that this site doesn’t have the lightning fast php response that the old site had so please maintain some patience when posting. The site is in many ways better and obviously looks way better but also, in a time like this it may be a headache having to wait for a page refresh.

                        I also know that the site doesn’t have an operating clock so please use this if you need a time reference: TIME.IS. It’s awesome. And it’s final. Due to the way user accounts are separated, some of the times won’t all display in the central time zone for the league, which is Pacific time. I will post an active free agent bids thread where the final/official times will be located.


                          Yeah it’s “at least” double the previous bid.

                          And I already wrote down my bids in the format I used previously (which is on the Liga Rules). As long as the info is there I hope it’s fine.


                            Everyone has variations of the same format so it’s fine.

                            PP brought up a good point on the shoutbox. We don’t have hundredths of a seconds listed on each post. However, each post and reply is numbered and no two should all be alike. Therefore, the earlier bid will count as active.

                            Also and this must be underlined so here it is: DO NOT EDIT YOUR POST OR YOUR BID WON’T COUNT

                            I’ve enabled you the ability to edit posts and replies but they’ll be logged for the duration of the transfer window. If you edit a bid, it will show up as edited by you and will not count. No exceptions.

                            • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by ZizouZizou.



                                Sorry fellas, I corrected my post with “at least” double.


                                  I realized at almost 1pm pacific that the transfer window opened. I went grocery shopping and forgot all about it.

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