Endrick Felipe – Palmeiras

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  • #4854

      Yeah, I think the days of “not countering” are over. The league is just simply too competitive and we have too many savvy owners who know what they’re doing for the most part.

      Countering always seemed like it could be part of an effective strategy. Everyone has their code. I try not to counter unless my list is short and someone was on it

      Santiger MunezSantiger Munez

        I think most folks’ issue with countering comes when they’re getting countered on Day 5, 6, 13, of the transfer window. Like, if it was really that important to you to get that specific guy, get him earlier. It’s rare but it has happened.


          I think most folks’ issue with countering comes when they’re getting countered on Day 5, 6, 13, of the transfer window. Like, if it was really that important to you to get that specific guy, get him earlier. It’s rare but it has happened.

          Exactly this. First 3-4 days I fully expect each of my bids to be potentially countered. But in the later rounds if you bid a 500k on a guy on my list good for you, I had many chances before to bid on him.


            I have zero problem with counters. Be it to on the wrong or good end of it. I don’t have issues on counters on the 10th day either.
            It’s sometimes tough (Camavinga) but there’s no hard feeling, provided the cou ter isn’t done just to spite the other owner.
            THAT I have a problem with. When it’s personal like “you countered mine so I’ll counter yours”.


              That’s why all bids should be done in “good faith”.


                Yeah, I think the days of “not countering” are over. The league is just simply too competitive and we have too many savvy owners who know what they’re doing for the most part.

                Countering always seemed like it could be part of an effective strategy. Everyone has their code. I try not to counter unless my list is short and someone was on it

                Spoken like someone who’s very first bid was a counter.

                Agree with most in that I understand your perspectives. I’ve been countered probably more than anyone in these parts, would that be fair to say? This league was born from a split. An entire complete break from the toxic spirit that engulfed and led to the end of effliga. That’s why Garret & Vishnu were ultimately not invited to join us here. I don’t like mental games. Ask X4L. We were born from fire… and shitty atmosphere and we must, somewhere in our lives, have a place of peace… and this is it. And that’s what it’ll remain. If I felt someone is maliciously targeting someone else, I would get involved. Because I think that the league is above petty squabbles. That is our aim. That’s been our standard. I’m a very straight-forward person. And while I love to fuck around with people, there is a fine line where it crosses into malicious and that I have no time for in any area of my life. The same remains here and you lot, all 13 of you, have me in your corner.

                In the end, the rules permit GMs and teams the ability to add players via any of our movement channels as well as free agency and transfers with other GMs. And as long as all of these mechanisms are practiced in good faith, I have no problem giving GMs true and ultimate freedom. You can bid up to the 24th hour if you have the space. And you can bid from the first day to the last day. We’ve never had to amend that. That’s been our base and I’m proud of that. Regardless of any frustration of animosity shared by 14 competitors, once our teams are locked… once the transfer window ends… most of us walk away feeling good about things and hopeful again. And hopefully, bygones are bygones because as I’ve mentioned, I have faith in all of you.

                There’s 14 of us. We’re all a little different. We all have slightly different taste and all different and varying opinions. And all the while competing against eachother. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

                • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by ZizouZizou.

                  “If I felt someone is maliciously targeting someone else, I would get involved”

                  Erh… this has happenned in the past.
                  I certainly didn’t care, especially given the player, but yes this has happenned.

                  In any case, I love how this window is going : in a totally different direction than the one I’m going to, which might help me get all of my targets, which are not numerous anyway given the money I spent in the mid season window.

                  Also, while I’m at it Z, do we install the 5 sub rule next season? That would change some of my strategies.


                    Relax people lol. I wasn’t even serious about going after Blau’s targets. Move along and discuss this somewhere else please.


                      I think we’re all relaxed and we all know you weren’t serious.

                      But we do love to ruin your bidding thread 😀


                        Yeah we may also adopt the Premier League rules in terms of subs.

                        Feel free to discuss, in this thread.


                          Yeah we may also adopt the Premier League rules in terms of subs.

                          Feel free to discuss, in this thread.

                          With extended benches (9 players instead of 7)?


                            Yeah we may also adopt the Premier League rules in terms of subs.

                            Feel free to discuss, in this thread.

                            With extended benches (9 players instead of 7)?


                            Santiger MunezSantiger Munez

                              If basing on PL then we should time that with the rule change, so FM23.


                                If basing on PL then we should time that with the rule change, so FM23.


                                  So, 22 or 23?
                                  Again, it could be important in terms of players on the bench (looking for less flexible players, more for specialists).

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