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Unfuckingbelievable. Make no mistake, i wasn’t fooled the first time. I hope people get what they deserve.
I can’t believe it either. Remember America, you asked for this.
To think I was waiting until Halloween to post this one and then just forgot. Much like David Bowie, Morrissey had his guitarist (a couple of musicians actually) who probably don’t get much credit but who were in part responsible for his sound which is notably different enough to that of The Smiths. I’d say you could put together a ten track greatest hits of Morrissey that would probably compete with that of The Smiths. Anyway, live version of this one is better than the studio take if you ask me.
whenever I see a performance by the latest young lady popstar, my first thought is usually – “she can’t sing, why is this popular?”
this is a voice
Nice James. That song got me thinking of Petula Clark’s “Downtown” when then got me thinking of this one:
Can’t discuss female vocals without posting this one:
As I said at some point earlier in this thread, I really like Wolf Parade and my favorite tracks tend to be from Spencer Krug, but Dan Boeckner is still as important and I like his tracks as well. Thing about Boeckner as I probably mentioned before is that he’s been a part of some great projects. Anyway, Operators is one of them and YouTube reminded me of this one, which is of course live to boot.
in my younger days I was terribly shy. my coworkers would take me to strip clubs to help me get over my shyness, which actually worked. I would never have dreamed of ever doing karaoke in front of people but after I met my wife and we were dating and after we got married I did five songs at karaoke places on five different occassions. I could still could sing back then, I don’t have the breath for it any more and my voice breaks a lot.
Was watching one of those Amoeba Records videos on YouTube where bands shop and another band I like mentioned Weyes Blood. Never heard of her/them. A few tracks have been lingering with me for a few weeks now. This is probably my favorite of them:
just when I thought I couldn’t be surprised. how have I never heard of this guy?
from the old neighborhood, right about the time my parents moved us out.