favorite songs

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  • #17793

      For some reason I’ve been listening to this lately. Went through a serious Depeche Mode phase, but it was during their Song of Faith and Devotion period. Still, liked quite a bit back then.

      Obvious choice, which I know is sung at some football matches/grounds, followed by perhaps a less obvious one.


        Unlike for some of you lot, Summer here in Southeastern Wisconsin is basically a 3 month event. So since it’s Summer, time for some Beach Boys:


          First time I heard “Sloop John B” was in 1974. I was in Sweden for the summer and my teenage cousin was away from home so my aunt let me listen to her record collection. She had lots of great stuff.


            Nice to see Depeche mode on here


              First time I heard “Sloop John B” was in 1974. I was in Sweden for the summer and my teenage cousin was away from home so my aunt let me listen to her record collection. She had lots of great stuff.

              Growing up, later than that for context, I knew their “hits” more. Then I discovered them a bit more and “Sloop John B” quickly became my favorite. Still plenty of room for me to discover them more.

              Nice to see Depeche mode on here

              I actually discovered them during Violator and had that full album, but didn’t go past that. Then became friends with someone in college (who I went to High School with but didn’t know very well) and we connected around DM to a degree. So we went to see them on the Devotional tour, both legs. First leg made a big impression on me. I recall listening to 101 a lot in the lead up, but the Devotional tour was quite different. Don’t quote me on this one, but I think part of the below was filmed at the show we were at. Anyway, crazy learning about the band’s state during that tour years later.


                Recommended the HBO limited series Sharp Objects to a friend recently. While she watched it I decided to watch it again (for at least the 3rd time, probably 4th). Based on the novel of the same name written by Gillian Flynn. She also wrote Gone Girl which you may remember the film version of. I definitely recommend Sharp Objects if you like mysteries. The cast is excellent too. 8 episodes and done, but if you do watch it make sure you watch it until the final cut as well as through the final credits. Music in the series is good and gets some real focus, Led Zeppelin featuring. However, it was this track from this scene that is my favorite from the series. I instantly knew it was the Everly Brothers, but had never heard the track. Fits the scene/mood at that point in the series perfectly and for me is just another on a long list of great tracks the Everly Brothers have.


                  Nice Sharp Objects reference.

                  I enjoyed it. Watched it with X4L at our place.

                  This great song played on the radio during a scene.


                    Nice Sharp Objects reference.

                    I enjoyed it. Watched it with X4L at our place.

                    This great song played on the radio during a scene.

                    Yeah, I’m a big fan of Sharp Objects. One of the things I really liked, despite his culpability, was Alan’s setup and how he just sat at home at night listening to whatever. A lot of good music throughout the serious.

                    That track for some reason reminded me of Monsters of Folk. Now the real monsters of Folk are Fleet Foxes of course, but I remember this album pretty fondly.


                      And I’m going to cheat today. I forgot to post yesterday and I’ve been listening to this one recently. Love the cover, but know it from the original. Both are excellent and it’s just a classic Summer tune for me. And I still say that in my experience The Who are underrated.


                        Arguably my favorite track from The Boss.


                          I mentioned Swedish artists (though I don’t know any of their tracks) before and Summer, so here’s one that I always think about in the Summer. Looks like James’ Summer vacation.


                            I’ll go back to CCR today. Not sure why this one came up, but one of their deeper cuts. Perhaps apt for the current climate here in the States?


                              Not the biggest U2 fan, but I do like a lot of their catalogue from a particular time. The Joshua Tree for me is an excellent album with almost not bad track. I remember as a kid on Summer vacation with a friend and his family in the Western US and this was the album I was listening to.


                                Not really sure what he’s up to these days, but Ryan Adams was churning out so much great material back around this time. Hadn’t heard this one in a while, but this whole album is great. I remember getting it on vinyl on the cheap from Amazon at the time and now I regret not buying a few more copies. Bit of a Dead feel to this one.


                                  Never would have expected to post this much less a Prince track. Just never delved too deep with him, but definitely has some hits that I like. Anyway, saw something tonight that bought this up if you know what I mean.

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