I’m back, sort of.

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  • #12420

      Hi guys –

      medically, this has been a busy year. I had bariatric surgery on January 30 so I could lose enough weight to qualify to get a heart pump (LVAD). I had to show the cardiologist that I could lose the weight and I finally had to give in to having bariatric surgery. In march I had 2 AFIB attacks so I had to have an ablation surgery. At this point the cardiologist made the effort to get the heart pump surgery moved up as much as possible. I checked into the hospital on April 15th and the surgery happened on April 18th. There were a couple complications so my hospital stay was lengthed. They finally sent me to a rehab hospital with a very good staff that got some strength into my legs. I came home on July 14th so I was away from home for 3 months. I am still weak, especially in my legs, I can’t sit in low chairs because it’s hard to get out of them. The LVAD has to be connected to batteries or AC power all the time. There is a drive line from the pump that comes out of my torso and connects to a controller and two lines from the controller that go to AC or batteries. It’s kind of a pain in the ass but I’m learning to live with it. I am surprised that with the LVAD that I don’t have more strength yet, but the heart team advises me to do the PT work and I will get better, but it’s a long haul. After the bariatric surgery I got into a pretty good routine which I lost completely. Now that I’m home it’s still hard to adjust. The upside so far is I have lost about 80 pounds since the bariatric surgery, and I’m still alive after the left side of my heart was failing. can’t write this without mentioning my wife. She has been hard on her and she has been my angel.

      I hope at some point when I get into a good routine and can be more active in the Liga. Thank you all for keeping it going and all the good vibes.


      • This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by jamesjames.

        Wow, some tough stuff you went through here james I had no idea.
        I wish you a good and complete recovery!


          Oh James, Iโ€™m so sorry to hear about what you and your wife have been living through. I knew things were kinda tough when it seemed like you might agree a trade with me ๐Ÿ˜‰ but I didnโ€™t know things were going on this long or were this intense. Iโ€™m happy that youโ€™re finally home as Iโ€™m sure it probably feels better. Hopefully you can find the time for the league as it might prove a welcome distraction, but your health and your time with family is paramount. Hopefully every day youโ€™re feeling better even if incrementally. Take care!


            Hey James, really sorry to hear that you and your family have been going through that. Wishing you a full recovery


              Damn james, so sorry about all that you and your family have been through and still are. If there’s anything you need help with, please let me know.

              Take care of yourself and don’t stress about Liga, we’ll be here!


                Great to hear from you again James! Take care of yourself, brother! Wishing you a quick recovery and happy life.



                  Aww James!! Very sorry to hear about your health bro. Hoping for brighter days in your future!


                    James, you are a trooper and we have missed you. Thankfully, you are finally home and recovering as best as you can. I can’t imagine what you and your wife have been through in the last several months, but I hope that you are both able to appreciate each other and be at peace knowing that (hopefully) the worst is behind you.

                    Stay strong, stay positive, and glad to know you are home.


                    Erick aka X4L


                      Glad to hear you’re back home man! It’s not been the same without you here, but absolutely take the time to take care of yourself and the family, hope they are doing well as well. Keep your head up man! โค๏ธ

                      Santiger MunezSantiger Munez

                        Damn, man, that’s all kinds of rough. Glad you’re still here though. Sending good vibes to you and the missus. You’ve got this!


                          damn, that sucks! great to hear you’re back and on the road to recovery


                            Thanks everybody! Your support and good vibes are very much appreciated.

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