Season 21 Lineup Examples

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      Since lineup instructions have evolved over time, I wanted to give everyone a rundown of what instructions are expected to look like. This will not cover tactics as they’ve become too grand to try and break down every single component of. I suggest that you all at least familiarize yourself with a site that I’ve recommended before, which will break down every nook and cranny of your tactics.

      I strongly recommend it if you want to familiarize yourself with the plethora of instructions you can select for your tacs, But otherwise, please be sure your instructions include this information.

      I will provide an example of a lineup format to go over different things you CAN include.

      Assistant manager: Alf Ramsey (You don’t need to name an assistant manager but if you intend to ask him to do anything then you do)

      Lineup: (List players Back out, Right to Left)
      GK Yashin
      D1 Zanetti
      D2 Puyol
      D3 Marquez
      D4 Carlos
      M1 Nedved
      M2 Zidane
      W1 Garrincha
      AM1 Maradona
      W2 Pele
      ST1 Leo Baptistao

      Bench Options: (This season, we are allowing 7 OF and 1 GK named to the bench. You can choose specific substitutions (one for one) or leave it as broad as you like. You’re not required to list a position if you want the players to provide overall cover or you have no specific sub requests.)
      SUB GK
      SUB 2
      SUB 3
      SUB 4
      SUB 5
      SUB 6
      SUB 7
      SUB 8

      Set Piece Takers:
      FK – You can select direct / indirect free kick takers, if you have more than one. FM will otherwise default whoever is highest rated.
      CK – You can select L/R corner kick takers, if you have more than one.
      PK – You can select who will take your Penalties. Name no more than 3 for regular-season.

      Something I’ve seen before and is totally optional but totally a great idea is to list injured players in your submission lineup so that you know to re-include them when their injury or suspension is up.

      – Sub any player with a knock (A knock can sometimes be made worse if a player plays on it. But sometimes he can carry on. This instruction is beneficial if you want to play it safe. Maybe you want to follow this instruction only in the second half. Maybe only if you’re in the lead. Maybe only if you’re behind. Please specify and curtail instructions to your needs.)
      – Sub any player at poor condition (Once a player reaches poor condition in a match then he is fatigued and the likelihood of injury is higher and his lack of stamina may compromise your shape. If your instructions call for heavy engagement, this may enable some GMs to be more proactive.)
      – Sub any player rated #.# or lower (Once a player is given a certain rating, it may lead that GM to want to sub him off. You can determine the parameters. How late? What rating? Different GMs have different philosophies. Some prefer to check at half-time and make changes if someone is REALLY bad. Others may prefer to wait until at least the 55th before making ANY changes. Some have a super high threshold. Some prefer to be more proactive in a draw or losing situation, hoping any change will inspire a change in fortune. You’re still limited to three subs in a match. A perfect rating is 10.0. A good rating is arguably anything above 7.0. Anything above 6.6 is fair. 6.4 and lower is not very good.)
      – Have assistant do opposition tacs and team talk at pre-game / halftime (Your assistant manager can help you get a leg up on your opponent by inspiring your team in a team talk or by giving your teams specific instructions on marking and tackling the opponent depending on individual matchups. This is optional, of course.)

      Game Management:
      – You can opt to change any part of your instructions at any point in the game. Maybe you want to choose a specific part of the game to switch to Very Attacking. Maybe you want to choose a specific time/part of the game where you want to protect a lead, should it exist. Maybe you need to make sure that if one of your defenders is red carded, that you include instructions on what to have the simmer do on your behalf. Maybe you want to make sure that all of your subs are used by the 90th minute. Maybe you always want to leave a sub available, barring injury since you’re not allowed a fourth sub. These are examples of multiple instructions you can add to improve your chances of not getting dicked by the sim.

      Lastly, if you’re already familiar with FM, James provided an informative thread last season here.

      • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by ZizouZizou.
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