Season 22 Changes w/ Poll

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  • #9712

      Ramer and Zooka!!! Hell yeah, boys! Welcome aboard. If you haven’t guessed yet, I’m Erick aka X4L.


        One more point about the additional 70 players. That’s just this window and assuming everyone adds five new players.

        More importantly, welcome Ramer and Zooka!


          Ramer & Zooka7 will introduce themselves in new topics.

          In the meantime, I can confirm that the proposal put forth to expand U21 rosters has failed with at least 4 No votes.

          So, touching on Kawai & Blaugrana’s mentions… we might have to look at a smaller expansion, if any at all. Initially, the votes were lopsided in favor but as the topic began to be discussed more, the NOs made passing the proposal out of reach.

          So, I’m making a new proposal based on what I’ve heard & believe probably has a higher chance of passing.

          In this proposal, we’d drop the Academy concept and restrictions that were put on. Instead, we’d expand outfield roster max from 30 to 32. That would give you 35 player spots in total available at U21, rather than the 33 (30 + 3 GK) available now. GMs would also receive 1 million to cover the additional available spots.

          I’m looking for the same 3/4s approval which would mean 9 votes for yes from the 12 returning GMs continuing next season.

          Vote YES to adopt the proposal
          Vote NO to vote for the current roster rules


          You will need to enter your league email address to vote so don’t vote more than once but you can change your vote after the fact.


            I suggest next time nobody should give the votes until it’s closed.

            Also maybe instead of guessing what the 12 voters want or don’t we can have everyone write down here what they think?


              I suggest next time nobody should give the votes until it’s closed.

              Also maybe instead of guessing what the 12 voters want or don’t we can have everyone write down here what they think?

              Is there a new opinion to share? Anyone have something new to offer?

              You’d prefer 10 additional spots. Everyone knows that. Privately, I’ve talked to some of you to know where you’re at. If not, I already know where you’re at without needing to because we either have that relationship or you’ve made your opinion known publicly.

              Everyone knows what they voted for, right? The proposal was doomed as of last night. I could see what everyone voted for (and have the screenshots). It was doomed. And then it was confirmed.

              At any rate, I feel that I have a good grasp of where everyone’s at and am just trying to act accordingly to move forward so that we can solidify the rules and structure as quickly as possible.

              But I’ll be honest, I’m flying to Wyoming tomorrow to go on a ski trip so I’m just going to let ya’ll take over the wheel here. You decide. What do you want. I’ll check back in next week when I’m back. ✌️


                Don’t take it this way Z.
                I meant that people seem to be torn on this issue. People voted one way then changed.
                I guess those who changed found part of your proposal to their taste and some didn’t like some aspects.
                I feel it’s easier to just state what everyone wants and see if something comes up.

                Everyone knows what I’d like because I wrote it here.
                Why can’t everyone do the same?

                Enjoy your skiing.


                  Voted yes again!
                  Thanks for taking my suggestion seriously Z. I know I’m not as experienced as some of you and I’m not trying to take the reins. I’m more comfortable just following the lead! I’m assuming the owners on the fence that were hesitant thought it was a fair compromise to put to a vote? Looks like no nos so far. Irregardless, I’m all in favor and I assume we can revisit later on too right? Thanks for leading the way for us Z!


                    I too voted “yes” and am happy with the changes to the process. Adding two U21 players isn’t a lot and I doubt we notice any big changes.

                    Zizou, enjoy Wyoming!


                      I think adding 2 players is a solid compromise. It’s simple and it gives owners a little of what they want. There are a ton of great footballers out there. It’s like a new golden age, and it’s great to see so many “smaller” football countries developing elite talent. I’m looking at Japan, Ecuador, Morrocco, Norway, and even the USA. Exciting stuff!


                        I think adding 2 players is a solid compromise. It’s simple and it gives owners a little of what they want. There are a ton of great footballers out there. It’s like a new golden age, and it’s great to see so many “smaller” football countries developing elite talent. I’m looking at Japan, Ecuador, Morrocco, Norway, and even the USA. Exciting stuff!

                        Good to know you’ve changed your policy and you woh’t be getting in my way anymore.


                          Good to know you’ve changed your policy and you woh’t be getting in my way anymore.

                          Hold on there, Cowboy. I never said I was quitting my South American policy. Also, YOU are the one getting in my way! 😉


                            Good to know you’ve changed your policy and you woh’t be getting in my way anymore.

                            Hold on there, Cowboy! 😉

                            Yup, that’s me:

                            Santiger MunezSantiger Munez

                              I guess I’m the only holdout. We’re already scrambling over each other for 15-16 year olds and the late bloomer scraps as it is. I don’t have the time/energy to scour the world for 14 year old prospects.


                                How about we ban players not in FM? And still expand the rosters?


                                  How about we ban players not in FM? And still expand the rosters?

                                  Not a fan of that at all, and we’ve already got a pretty strict limit in place.

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